I'm Sorry...

She had been squatting for who knows how long until she heard the sound of the car.

She looked up to see his car stopping right inside the gate before he went down.

Without bothering about her messed up look, she run towards him, jumping right into his arms.

This was the first time since she became acquainted at him, that she literally felt so scared.

Even with what happened with Carl, she still has her confidence. Yet that moment a while ago, she just felt like her world was crashing down.

She didn't even know how she still managed to get a jacket before coming down.

All she knew was that she must see him, she must see him alive and breathing.

"Shhh, I'm sorry, it's fine now," Ashton who caught her, hugged her as tight as he caressed her back.

He kept whispering, the same as how he always did, making sure that she would be soothed.