A Young Girl From Way Back

Five minutes later the whole place became silent, before slowly one after another claps were heard.

Until the whole venue erupted with cheers and praises, even those who didn't like them couldn't help but clap for their performance.

They were on sync and every note was on the spot, it was as if they were watching two professional musicians, no more like two prodigies.

Amber sighed before giving Ashton a smile, even her eyes were smiling. Ashton's lips may remain the same but his eyes are smiling towards her as well.

'How nostalgic,' both of them thought.

There was only one time that both of them enjoyed playing their respective instruments and that was when they were children.

"Well I guess, miss Wood is not all talk, that was a wonderful performance," Glenn finally returned to his senses and commented as he and Madison approached the two of them.