I Will Never Be At Peace

"Distracted? Are you telling me she fell in love?" she asked.

Jake nodded.

"Who was it?"

"What, are you going to stop her?" he asked upon hearing the seriousness in her voice.

"Why would I do that when aunt Elloise was not stopping her at all?" she asked in return.

"I think you should ask Alissa instead, they seem to know him from the past," he commented.

Amber nodded as she started thinking.

"What is it?" he asked upon seeing her serious look.

"That's… there's something that's bugging me as well. You do know right? My intuition is quite on point. My intuition is telling me that the man… just that something."

Jake suddenly felt worried upon hearing this.

"Don't look like the world is about to end, not always are my intuitions right. I am also hoping that this was just a transition," she comforted him.

"By the way, where will you be staying?" he asked upon noticing the time.