Don't Worry, I Can Never Get Drank

"What are you thinking so deeply?" Alissa asked.

When the day ended and she finally got home, she found Amber sitting by the window watching the cars below with a glass of wine in her hand.

"Alissa," Amber started before looking at her who just seated opposite her.


"No, t's nothing. How was your day?" She asked instead.

Alissa furrowed her brows but chose not to ask.

"Well, that Josh I talked with you last week, he was a complete handful. I still dodge his invites but he just kept asking and asking," Alissa sighed as she said this.

"Why not just tell him straight that you don't want anything to do with going out with him? That you just wanted to do your job?" Amber asked.

"Don't get me started, he almost gave up after the third day but then someone realised who I was and from then he started becoming even more aggressive," she was also getting tired of that.

"Aggressive in what way?" Amber asked again.