It Was The Amusement Park

Upon opening her eyes, Amber was stunned to see a sleeping Ashton beside her.

All she could remember was that she cried her eyes out with Alissa and Jake France before falling asleep.

She looked on the side and saw a basin of water with the towel hanging on the side.

'He must have taken care of me all night,' she thought as she watches his sleeping face.

The first time they slept together in one bed was when he got injured and she was so scared ending up with a nightmare of him in a pool of blood and a recollection of her parent's death.

'If I can remember correctly, he barely had any sleep for he ended up watching over me. Hmmm… surely he barely slept last night as well.'

She decided not to move for he might wake up and remained lying on her side watching him closely.

'That mole under his right eye is truly too charming,' she smiled as she looked at it closely.