Do You Think They'll Get There In The Near Future?

It was the weekend but Alissa had to wake up at four in the morning for they have an outdoor event.

This was a hellish week for her, her events were at night and she still has her duties in the morning.

Amber told her to just choose but she didn't want to, she was enjoying her duties and the events were also part of her duties already.

She felt lethargic but knew she must just still be sleepy, so with a dose of coffee and a healthy breakfast she went out just in time for Timothy to also come out.

Alissa looked at him in confusion after checking her time that was still at 5:30, "Good morning, something to do in the office?"

Obviously the president wouldn't come to outside events, all he needs to do is to watch over the company.

But Timothy was wearing his casual attire.

"No, I'm going to the event with everyone. This is quite big so I need to supervise it myself," he replied.

Alissa just nodded.