For You To Tell Me Everything

"You met her already?" he asked upon hearing her answer.

"I have, though she seem to not like me," she shrugged.

"Then, you will still push through without her consent, what are you waiting for in the end?"

"He was the one waiting, not me," Amber corrected just as they entered the top most floor.

"So what were you waiting?" Timothy asked as he followed her but she no longer replied.

"Shall we find out what happened between you back then?"

Timothy was agape. At the center of the green house were multiple computers. She sat down in the middle and shook her fingers, getting ready.

"What in the world is this?" he couldn't help but ask as he stood up behind her.

"I told you, we don't need to comfort her, instead we have to find a way to help her walk down that event," she replied as her eyes turned sharp and her hands started moving.

The movement of her fingers attracted Timothy who was still looking around.