Why Can't You See It?

"That was my dream when I was young but now I just want to become the best programmer out there that no one would be able to compare," Amber added.

Hayley stared at her, not knowing what she meant by what she had been saying.

"You see, not everyone retains their dreams from young age. And Alissa is one of them."

"No, she had told you as well when we just met that she wanted to become a model," Hayley argued back.

"Oh god Hayley, why can't you see it?!?" Amber didn't know whether to grab her hair or what.

"What I am seeing now is that you have changed, you never listen to me!!" Hayley replied.

"I will never listen to you if the idea didn't come from you," Amber replied resolutely.

"Why do you keep on insisting that the idea came from Mark?"

"If it didn't Alissa wouldn't be placed in such situation," in gritted teeth Amber glared at Hayley.