Now I See

Mathew sighed heavily, he really was not into returning to this place. He only returns when the master was the one who would call for him.

'Well at least my accommodation and food are paid by them,' he consoled himself as he look for the one to pick him up.

"Mister Mathew Hughes?" one suddenly asked him.

He looked around before making a hush signal with his finger and mouth.

Compared to Ashton who was so low profile that people from their country does not recognize them, he was quite famous in here.

Compared to his cousin who was famous for his ability to discern talents and all.

Mathew was famous for being a glutton.

His talent was well hidden by his family, not that he cares for he really has no desire to inherit their company.

The man was stunned by his actions but he still pursed his lips.

Mathew adjusted his cap and sunglasses before following the man who called for him.