She Is Indeed Saying Goodbye

"What? After destroying my phone, are you going to slap me this time?" Hayley asked after the two of them entered an empty room.

"Do you really think I am that kind of person?" Amber asked in return.

"In reality after meeting you again, I actually didn't know what kind of person you really are. The person I met back then and the person I am seeing now are quite different," Hayley replied.

Amber shook her head, "Why didn't you had anyone double check the dresses? You could have done it as well but you didn't, why?"

"What of it? There's nothing wrong, all the dresses were sewn properly," Hayley said with confidence.

Seeing Amber just stare at her, she continued, "What? Are you telling me that there's something with the way they were sewed? After telling me that Alissa's drop in health was my fault, is there another fault that you want to tell me?