Your Whole World Would Come Crushing Down

Timothy smiled at Samantha, "Timothy, his elder brother."

He extended his hand for a handshake.

Samantha hesitantly accepted his hand after glancing at Xander.

She was so used in interacting only with Xander in the entire Empire, whether it was the Price or the others. Now facing another made her feel nervous for some odd reason especially since it was Xander's brother.

"Don't be too nervous towards me, who Xander chooses as long as he is happy, there is nothing more I could say," Timothy said upon noticing her nervousness.

Samantha smiled, "Samantha Garret, uhmmm his girlfriend."

Timothy frowned upon hearing her reply he looked at Xander.

"Have you not made it official with her?" he asked.

Xander instantly looked at Samantha, "What was with that reaction? Why were you so hesitant in declaring who you are to me? After we-"