I Would Be Blessed

Even Alissa could only stare at him, while Ashton shook his head looking at him as if saying, Stupid.

Xander became even more confused.

Seeing that he is still clueless of what is truly going on Samantha's face turned red.

Not from embarrassment but from anger.

She used all her strength before kneeing him in his abdomen and running away.

"Be careful!!" Amber and Alissa said at the same time as they watch her run up the stairs.

Xander, on the other hand, could only bent over and hug his aching abdomen still not knowing what it is that's going on.

Timothy stood up and pat him in the shoulder, "You asked for it."

"Say, Tim. How did he graduate and became a doctor? He was even proud of being one of the best," Amber stood up as well and patted his other shoulder while asking Timothy.

"Maybe he did some under the table transactions?" Timothy replied.