You Are Not Being Lenient

James pursed his lips this news is quite shocking. Plus they spoke to him, an outsider of the Price Empire.

He once again cleared his throat, "Anyway, we can get that out of the way then. But let me just say this."

He looked at them seriously, "With all your background, being here like good friends would be attracting quite a lot of attention right? I know this is bad for me to say but currently the Wright Empire is in a pinch so if we add more..."

He didn't finish what he wanted to say but he knew they understood what he meant.

Timothy and Xander looked at one another, seeing him being awkward and still caring, they couldn't help but to feel happiness welling up inside them.

He is indeed just what their mother have told them.

She just runaway because he was not listening to her wishes but she was waiting for the time they would meet again.

For he was the kindest father they have ever had.