Simple Because It Is Her

The next day upon waking up, Amber was given the news that Ashton brought Xander and Samantha with him for the meeting.

She didn't want to get mad for that was the plan in the first place but still she ended being angered by the thought that he did things without her.

'Then again I myself decided on so many things without consulting him,' she sighed as she went up to change.

"I'm sorry miss but we were told not to let you out until everyone was home," one maid stopped her from leaving.

She was informed that Timothy and Alissa went out as well but no one knows where they went.

"Do you really want to stop me?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"We're sorry miss we can only stop you."

"Very well," she said before going back up to the room.

They can stop her but she can just leave from a different place.