What Can This Humble One Do For You?

"That slave driver is really amazing, she was able to place a tracker on that brat's phone without her knowledge," Jackson spoke while leaning on a wall opposite a restaurant.

Inside the restaurant beside the window was Ashley who had been crying but no one tried to ask her if she is fine or what was the problem.

Others even look at her as if she was crazy for crying in a restaurant.

Jackson shook his head, 'Could it be that in their place, whenever she cried someone would come and coax her into stopping? Ain't that a bit too much? Just how sheltered was she?'

'Though I am amaze that she knew to get money before running away, at least she was able to rent a small apartment and even come to such a restaurant. But what would she do then? Just cry there all day?'

At some point in time and maybe because of the fact that he was bullied, Jackson ended up having the habit of talking to himself just like Amber.