Calm Down

Amber saw Russel coming out of the car and walked through the entrance of the parking lot leading to the outside.

She saw her hail a cab outside the building and this made her curse inwardly, now she has to hack through all the CCTV in the road to make sure that she was able to follow the car.

This was unlike that time in Star country for that was a minor country, Achernar was a major country of an Empire.

This was unlike the kidnapping of the children of Luke and the chief of the main police force, for that was an official business.

With a click of her tongue, she brought out her phone that she had been using to communicate with Luke.

Harvey who was watching her and still trying to call for Russel, watched her movement in confusion. Where did she get that phone? What was the purpose of it?

With two rings, Luke answered.

"How may I help our great Pianist?" he asked in a light tone.