Leave Her To Me

It was already afternoon the next day when Amber opened her eyes.

The first person she saw was Ashton who was sitting just beside her caressing her hand.

The next was Timothy who was on the other side reading a book.

And finally was Xander who was leaning on the wall beside the window.

She can tell by their looks that they haven't had any rest and was watching over her since she came here.

She looked up at Ashton, who was now staring at her.

He felt her move and when he did see her eyes open looking at them, he couldn't speak.

The relief of seeing her open her eyes washed over him and all he could do was stare at her.

"Amber," Timothy who also noticed her movements called upon seeing her eyes open.

Xander approached them, his eyes were red just like of Timothy's.

"I'm sorry," were the first words she said as she looked at her brothers.