As The Days Ticked By

Their days went by just like that.

Jackson, Simon and Russel returned to Achernar country two days after the year end event.

The things that happened during that time were obviously circulated by the people in the high society leaving Price empire with nothing but embarrassment.

And to add more salt to the wound, they even brought up the times that Glenn lost to Ashton.

Clark who still received no news from the people he sent to search for Nathalie, was about to go crazy in rage.

Silvia who was embarrassed for trying to belittle the three in the top of the culinary world could only return to Apophis country in order to stay out of the media's sight. Of course, even with this place being the main country where Price Empire resides, media was still media.

She still ends up being pestered by a few who does not fear their power and could use the people to pull them down even more if she were to retaliate against them.