Be Proud Of It

Days passed and Amber kept up with scaring them, appearing from time to time around the Price family.

Ashton's birthday passed and it was spent with their friends who are available.

Before this Xander left for Ceres country and Amber sent another video to Clark Price.

"I have heard I would be having a nephew very soon. I really want to see him once I come back, I do hope you'll allow me to have that chance."

Even though they didn't like the woman but upon knowing that she was actually a major shareholder of Wright Empire, they thought of using her against them.

But Nathalie appeared showing that she has plans on protecting that woman.

'Why would I listen to this woman?' he thought.

But the video continued, "Oh and you do understand grandfather that once the token appears the rise or downfall of the Empire would rely on it. I do hope we are on the same page."