Happy Birthday Grandfather

As they have expected, not long after they brought the ones guarding Samantha and Thunder back to the house, people from the main mansion tried taking them.

Some random incidents would also happen when the relatives would go and visit Samantha with the pretense of taking a look at the first grandchild.

But Samantha being a strong person as she is, was able to drive them away while the servants was able to protect them that no matter what the relatives do, not even a scratch was left to them.

Irritated, they tried to accuse the servants of stealing but not once did the servants leave the house, it was other people who would come to bring the necessities.

With this, no matter what they say. Xander and Samantha could rebuke them that everything inside the house was still intact.

Clark tried to use his authority but Xander was able to turn it around by saying that he could just leave.