The Best Version Of Her

Soon people started coming and flooding the place. The thing about Nathalie became the hottest topic but the Wright Empire was only curious for a bit.

They looked shock and all but they weren't the same as the others that were too curious about the existence of Nathalie Price.

When asked, they replied simply with, "All families have their own past. Wasn't it the same with ours about two years ago or so?"

After hearing this all of them thought that it was indeed true and it was reasonable enough for their current reaction.

And even though some people still felt like something was amiss, no one could really point it out and no one tried to.

Other than that, most topics were regarding Nathalie Price and speculations surrounded them.

Why did she only appear now? Just where had she been? Why didn't she appear sooner?

And most of all was the death of her parents.