Such Scary Intuition

Aldger and Blake bid Devon and Ashton goodbye after the event was over.

"Still need to assist that one before she once again collapses out of exhaustion," Blake said.

"She asked me for my opinion in her new design, I'll go and check it for it might become another hit," Aldger informed them.

Devon chuckled as he watches their two friends riding their cars and leaving the parking lot of the mall.

"Those two, why still come if they are so eager to leave and meet those ladies?" he then said looking at Ashton who was also looking at the two cars driving away.

He looked up at the ceiling as if seeing the floor upstairs then after another few seconds he looked at Devon.

Devon, who had a smile on his lips, looked back at Ashton ready to bid him goodbye as well but upon seeing the way Ashton looked at him, he was taken a back before it sank into him what his look meant.