How Was this Monster Created?

"Simon Peterson, Jackson Philipps, Russel Bareford, Arlene Batoon, Gee Anne Pines, they were all helping me out. Oh and the other Nathalie? The one who sometimes appear as Amber as well? That was Hayley Coleman, designer of Guilt."

As she spoke of the big names recently, their hearts dropped over and over again.

Gwyneth especially, who thinks so highly of herself because her brother was the accepted heir, couldn't accept the fact that Amber's power was far higher than hers.

Just knowing all of this was enough to break her arrogant mind to the point of no more return. Her arrogance towards her power was actually the one that broke her apart.

Amber tilted her head to the side, "Power is so wonderful isn't it? I can do so many things without you even having knowledge that I was actually inviting wolves in our house."

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" Clark finally roared regaining his senses.