Kuoh and Before Canon

---- Earth, Japan, Town of Kuoh ----

-- Third Person POV --

Three days after they went to Kuoh, the three Nekoshou were chosen to live in the cabin through the foot of the mountain. They choose those places because they like nature as they constantly meditating with Senjutsu and the other was they have more privacy in case that the heiress of the two devil household was starting to snooping to them in the name of joining their peerage.

After they arrange what they need, they do what's the cat does, sleeping, sunbathing, lying on the couch or etc. The paperwork for transferring was finished after that, they need to wait at least one week before the resume of the school which is currently is a vacation for their school batch.

There is the other reason that choose the cabin in the mountain because there were too many stray Devil, Fallen Angel, Magician, and Exorcist bunches in the town. The trio thinks that given the Devils to manage was not the best at all, it looks like a town filled with trashes and pest rather than staying at the place where they will disrupt by the negative emotions of the strays which will affect their Senjutsu, it's better to live in the mountain.

" What the heck that their doing, they are not taking seriously the management of this town at all" Touru said as he was killing many strays that brave enough to enter their territory.

"It looks like Amaterasu-sama and Yasaka-nee-san was right, if we send last year where they got rights for management the town, they will be diligent to do their work after a year their laziness will take to them and let the strays to enter the town nya~~," Shirone said as she using her Kasha to purified the stray devils can, while Kuroka was making an Isolation Barrier to not detected by the Devils.


Sometimes when they are nothing to but napping they are hunting stray devils who are guilty to their fault or was evil intentions, while the not guilty who are being abused by their master was returning to their former race by Touru who was using the Yamato to destroyed the Evil Pieces which is let the victim to return their own freedom. Some of them was a Youkai who want missing in the Kyoto was found being a stray devil or some human who were protecting their important people got force to become a peerage by some devils.

Some of the freed from being Stray Devil was grateful to them. The reason that trio could tell if someone was lying from the stray devils was using the Senjutsu, it was convenient enough to use a lie detector. Sometimes the trio was hunting some Stray Exorcist they got lucky to find the Excalibur Pieces which is not shown in the story which is called Excalibur Deflection it was a perfect counter from Excalibur Destruction. Touru was not rejected by Excalibur which serves as a spare weapon while the two sisters were not interested in the holy sword they always doing this routine every time that they are bored while waiting for the school opening.

--- One Week Later ---

--- Kuoh Academy ---

-- Spring Season, School Opening ---

There were many students was walking towards the school majority of them were female which is the school just become a Co-ed last year that's why the males were too much rarity. The majority of male students in Kuoh Academy have a motive to go that school was too full fill their to be surrounded by female students just like a certain perverted trio, which many female students were giving them a disgusting look like they are looking at a rotten trash. But a certain commotion which many female students were diverting their attention at the trio as they are looking at the three people was wearing a different school uniform but they much focus was a young man in the middle of the two girls wearing the same uniform but for the female version.

This trio was none other than Touru, Kuroka and Shirone, they are wearing a uniform that they requested to their tutor who was teaching in a certain high school in Kyoto. Touru was gaining attention because of his structure, a lean but perfect body, a feminine face that may mistake him as a girl, a strange black and white hair color on his head, and his purple-colored pupil on his eyes. While Kuroka was a perfect model body, a long jet-black hair that reaches to her knees was tied in a ponytail, a perfect but mischievous face and her hazel gold pupil on her eyes. Shirone was a petite body but there were many curves which are the gains in daily night exercise with two people (Touru and Kuroka), her white hair was reaching on her shoulder with a black cat clip on her side hair, a cute face that many people that want to protect her, and her hazel gold pupil like Kuroka.

" I think they are transfer students do you think?" a random female student said as she looks at the trio especially in Touru.

" Kyaa.... there was another prince in our school beside Yuuto Kiba!!!" a certain female student says.

"It seems they came from Kyoto, I saw that uniform when I trip to Kyoto last month." a certain female student said as she recognized the uniform of the trio.

" Wow there are more beauties will transfer in this school!!!" a random male student says as he was eyeing the two Nekoshous.

* Bang!!!!*

" Off!!" the male student who was eyeing the two Nekoshous was shot in his forehead with a crumbled paper to faint by Touru.

" Do not attempt to try your luck to my fiancee's, this is the last warning," Touru said with a cold expression as the trio resume to enter the school of, of course, the trio was in their human form.

" Hey did you hear that? there are his fiancee's!!" a certain female student said while did not care about the fainted male student who was shot down by Touru even the perverted trio was shivering to see what happened, they do not care for being beaten by the female but not the male who will beat to near death, the perverted trio retreated to the school as they don't want to notice by Touru.


The trio was walking towards the Student Council Room to get their uniforms and the transfer procedure. They notice the stare of the certain crimson devil but they don't care about her as they proceed to their objectives. After a few minutes of walking, they are in the front of Student Council Room which is welcome them by the member of Student Council, after that the trio entered the room, which is greeted them by a certain devil who was a bob cut haircut and she has glasses on her face which has also a purple pupil like Touru.

She was none other than Sona Sitri or in this world was Sauna Shitori, with a certain glasses beside here has a heterochromia eyes with a long black hair reach in her back, she was Tsubaki Shinra a relative of Byakko Shinra.

" Welcome to Kuoh Academy, I am Sauna Shitori the Student Council President and this is my Vice President Tsubaki Shinra," Sona said as she welcomes the trio but she found something to them.

" Hello Sona Sitri, I'm Touru Kamagiri and this is my fiancee Kuroka and Shirone Toujou, we are representative of Youkai Faction and Shinto Pantheon" he says as he continued.

" We are Observer of the Management of Gremory and Sitri heiress in this town," he said without any playing words to the two devils in the room, which is gaining a silence in the room.

" We don't receive that word when we officially will manage the town," Sona said with a frown on her face.

" Of course we are just sent here last week to see the results of your management along with the Gremory heiress but we terribly disappointed from what I see almost forty percent of the population here was a Stray Devil, Exorcist, Magician, and Fallen Angel was residing this town, we thought they you're diligent enough to trim the population of the strays," he said without expression as he was waiting for her answer.

" We cannot handle much the population of strays as we don't have people to reduce them," Sona said with a shame as she was clenching her hands.

" Heh why not asked reinforcement from your world I'm sure you Devils were boasting their large population by enslaving many race in the name of peerage I am not?" he said something that their prick their pride.

" Anyway this is our documents to transfer here in this school, and please warn that Gremory heiress to stop her snooping in our privacy if not, their something consequences will face be it light or heavy," he said as they took the uniform of Kuoh Academy.

" Have a nice day Sitri Heiress?" he said he left the room followed by the two Nekoshou.

--- To Be Continued ---