New Companion, Hail H***a

-- Olympian God's Realm, Mount Olympus ---

--- Sealed Cave near in Marsh Lerna --

- Third Person POV --

There was a young man in kimono with black Haori was walking in the air while concealing himself with Senjutsu, he was none other than Touru was just arrived in the front of the sealed cave which he could feel the Divinity that restricting of what inside the cave. He took out the Yamato from the space as take a stance, he uses the half of his strength ( A/N: it means without using the Sage God Mode) in the slash.

* Slash!!!*

* Grugrugru!!!!*

His mastery of the use of Sacred Gear was in the master level which he could use the Divide Ability of Albion without summoning the Sacred Gear as well as he can take the Yamato from the space.

After a few minutes, the dust was cleared, in the darkness, there were nine pairs of eyes were looking at the person who destroyed the seal. Touru walk in front of the creature who currently bound of golden chains around it's or her body.

" If Gilgamesh saw these chains, I'm sure that he will rampage in this realm who stole his treasure," he said as recognized the chain which is releasing an Anti-divine Attributes, he looks up again as he stares at her eyes.

" Do you wanna revenge against them?" he said to the creature which is called Lernean Hydra.

-- Flashback ---

He was searching for a new companion, when he was in the library in Kuoh Academy he coincidentally found a book about the mythologies and Mythological Creatures. He was interested to meet the Hydra which is said was slain by Hercules, he knew that history was not always true.

Nidhogg a Dragon who was gnawing the roots of Yggdrasil, a tree supported the nine worlds of Norse mythology. This power-hungry monster is sometimes referred to as "the Malice Striker," an appropriate name given that he rules over dark criminals and is bent on destroying peace and virtue.

Touru was able to learn the Albion's discarded ability which is related to venoms. Albion before meet Ddraig, he was known for his Venoms that could easily can kill gods. Which is the result of his loneliness as they fearing his power, until he met Ddraig who was immune to his venom?

Albion's venom can also burn or destroyed the impurities in Touru's body but it also much painful, but in exchange he got a small Resistance against the venom. After a month of bathing the Albion's venom, he finally got an immunity against the venom, his durability was increased twentyfold and it also increases his strength which is intermediate Super Class Level.

The reason why he can stay alive for the bathing in the venom was using Senjutsu to wash away the dead cells. Which replace with a cell that contains the venom, he may not able to use the Albion's venom ability but at least he got an immunity on it. Fortunately his venom cells was not affected the two Nekoshous in their wild night, but it also gains them a small resistance against the venom.

Two of the Mythical Creatures in two Mythologies was caught his interest, as he wants them to join his team which they are not a Youkai at least he got a strong member on the team. He started to find the Hydra first in the territory of Greek Gods, which is located near in the Marsh of Lerna according to the history. With that he returned to the cabin and change the clothes as he transforms in partial Sage God Mode which is like his Nekoshou form, he uses a Concealment Youjutsu empowered by Senjutsu which is literally he become one with the world even many Gods and Goddesses in many Pantheon can barely feel him.

--- Flashback End ---

" Kisshhaaaaahh!!!" the Hydra roared at him. as she was struggling to get out from the chains.

" I forgot to erase your negative emotions which clouded your judgment huh wait a minute," Touru said as he gathered a ball of Nature Chakra in his hand and threw it to the bounded Hydra.

" Purification!!"


A calming aura that made in Nature Chakra was enveloping the entire body of Hydra, which is burning the malice and other negative emotions that looming around her

--- 20 minutes later ---

Her darkish green scales was turn into a Bluish Green which is perfect to portrait her as a water serpent/dragon in history. her eyes have no more malice as she gained clarity and recover her intellect.

" Thank you for helping mortal... no you are not a mortal and you are also not a God, What are you why it's a feels like familiar to me." the Hydra said as she was looking at Touru below her.

" I am Touru Kamagiri an Unofficial Leader of Youkai Faction and a current wielder of Divine Dividing, it may be because of my Sacred Gear you can feel the aura of the dragon," Touru said as walk near in the chain.

" It's been a long time since I heard about the Sacred Gear, before I was slain and sealed this cave I only heard was a Spear type Sacred Gear, it was also called True Longinus that could those damnable gods." the Hydra said as she feels the reminiscing in the past.

" Then I will ask you again, do you wanna revenge against them, if you accept you need to join my team," he said as look again at her.

" What will I got when I join your group?" Hydra said to him as latter shrugged his shoulder.

" You will become strong as Heavenly Dragon or it maybe got a chance to par with the strongest in the world," he said as he got earn a surprise look from the Hydra.

" I accept," she said even though she just met him she can feel that their interesting things will happen in the future.

" Good, then wait a second I will release you from that chain," he said as he hold the hilt of Yamato in iaido stance.

' Sage God Mode '

After a second his form was changed into a Humanoid Cat while holding the Yamato, as he opened his eyes which change the color into a bit rainbow color. In his field of vision he saw many dot marks on the chain and Hydra herself, he found the end of the chains as he slashes at his target.

' Untouchable Slash '

--A sword technique that use to cut bindings or restrictions in the body of living creature without damaging the creature.---

* Booom!!!* *crash!!*

Now the chains were sealing her was gone her body was enveloping with a Bluish Greenlight. After a few seconds the light was died down, a girl around 15 years old with a long Bluish Green hair was in front of Touru which is currently naked.

" I do not know an Immortal Creature of Greek Mythology was a cute girl," he said at the girl in front which is previously was a Hydra. After he stared enough he took the black Haori on his body and gave it to her, which is the latter was tilting her head in wonder.

" What is this?" she said while Touru was released a sigh as he was the one who put the Haori on her body.

" Is this your first time to transform?" he asked as he got a nod from her, after he got confirmation he also took the Golden Chains or aka Endiku as he places it in the space as he got to Yamato, which takes an hour as the chain was too much longer.

" Okay let's go," he said as he slashes the space with Yamato and he took her hand, after a few seconds the Space Tear vanished.

---- To Be Continued ----