--- DXD World, Japan, Town of Kuoh, Nekoshou Shrine ---

--- Third Person POV ---

Since Yasaka and Kunou were visited in Kuoh, they guide them towards their Cabin when the fox Youkai saw their residence was filled with Nature Energy/Chakra which they are surprised for that amount of energy.

" Why don't you try to build a shrine?" Yasaka asked him.

" For what?" he said in confused at her.

" Hm, seems Amaterasu-sama has forgot to mention to you, that once a Youkai who reach the level of Super Class Strength was able to join to the ranks of Shinto Pantheon. It means you are officially become a Deity, like me I become a Fox Deity a few months ago after I breakthrough from Ultimate Class Strength," she said which is surprised him.

" Then I need to build my shrine now," he said excitedly as he can create a place to become a Paradise for the cats that may have a small chance to evolve into a Nekomata even it slim chances as long as can increase the population of cat Youkai.

" Hm, can you lend me a Youkai who specializes in construction and engineering?" he said to Yasaka which answered him with a smile, because it's rare for him to rely on her except when they first meet.

--- The Next day ---

Due to the efficiency of the Youkai who specializes in construction and engineering, they are able to finish it yesterday, the quality of materials and architecture was amazing enough. Many cats that Touru and his group has adopted were enjoying to lay around to basking the sunlight towards them, these cats have unlocked a small intelligence due to staying to the place where the Nature Energy/Chakra was gathering. This is the first step for the cats to evolve for Touru, this is a long term plan for him, first allowed him to have many visitors even only a cat, second allowed him to witness an evolution that he never been seen before.

Today was Touru and Xenovia was sparring intensively, he taught Xenovia many techniques in Greatsword which allowed her to unleash the full potential of Durandal. Sometimes he lends her the Excalibur, which allowed her to combine the Durandal and Excalibur to become a Durandal Ex. It was stronger and more durable than the canon because of the piece of Excalibur Deflection, which allowed her to become a Mobile Fortress.

* clang!** clang!** clang!** clang!** clang!*

*kak!!** clang!** clang!** clang!*

" I'm impressed to your talent in swordsmanship, you may be barely par to Vasco Strada but not enough to defeat him as you are still inexperience," he said as he started his offense for the first time since they first fight.

" Kugh!" Xenovia was desperately blocking each of his attacks that even she has in Rapidly mode which allowed her to have a supersonic speed that equivalent of four mutated Knight pieces. She could barely see his attacks, she was thankful that Touru was not applying an energy to Yamato which allowed him to cut anything if not, her Durandal Ex will become a scape metal.

" Come on, make full use of your Nekoshou traits to gain abnormal instincts," he said to her as he also managed to touch the next level of his Swordsmanship because he inherited the talent of King Arthur in Weapon Mastery be it Sword, Lance and etc. He and King Arthur was the same view in swordsmanship, that fancy moves of swordsmanship was nothing but a waste of energy, King Arthur's Weapon Mastery may be a crude to many but it was the most focus in intent in pure martial.

Touru was even creating a new Sword Arts which is focused on a combination of many weapon techniques into one word. He called it War God Sword Arts, which allowed him to imitate the Gin's Zanpakuto ability in Bleach.

Yasaka was teaching the Nekoshous many kinds of Youjutsu that only exclusive to the leader of Youkai Faction, while Kunou who was already taught by Yasaka, was mastering the Youjutsu to the Veteran level.

Lisa was able to master her Hybrid Mode which she only needs to increase its duration, and she was trying to create a Dragonic Wings on her back. Since Yasaka was teaching Youjutsu, she also join to learn the magic of Youkais.

--- Hyoudou Resistance ---

Sirzech was shivering non-stop when he entered Rias's pawn house to stay which is tomorrow was the meeting for the Peace Treaty. The reason of his shivering was none other than Issei was who was staring at his butt, even Issei's parents were lamenting the fact that their only child will not bring them a grandchild in the future, because he swings that way.

--- Team Vali' secret base ---

Vali was wearing a tracksuit, he followed the advice of Touru, that how to become the strongest. Even Bikou was joining his training, the found it interesting because he could feel that he got stronger even a bit. Later on, Arthur, was joining them because when he learned the strength of the Spirit Inheritor of King Arthur was absurdly strong, he got motivated to train his body in the future he may encounter him. Le Fay was doing nothing but researching magic theories.

--- Nekoshou Shrine ---

Touru and Xenovia finished their sparring, the former only let out a single drop of sweat which is mysterious to her, which she was almost out of breath, she felt that her training in the Vatican was like Beginner Course unlike her training with Touru was like a Hell Course. Her strength was rise through peak Middle-Class Strength which is astonishing to her, she was twice strong compare to the past even her strength in the past was the same as Middle Class, her Strength could par in Mid High-Class Devil that combines with her swordsmanship and Durandal Ex.

" What method did you do to get strong?" she asked him with curiosity.

" Pushing the limits and filling the gap," he said which confused Xenovia, when he saw her look he sigh as he took a plastic bottle in the space pocket and filled it with a gas like energy. Which they could see the contents of the bottle and showed it to her.

" This is an example of someone who rushed to get stronger, without a solid base he/she will not survive against the equal or lower strength than them, he/she might explode itself for too many gases on her/himself," he said as he gripped hard the plastic bottle which is causing a small explosion, while Xenovia step back in surprised by the sudden explosion. Touru took a plastic bottle again in the space pocket and filled it with water.

" This is an example of someone who training half-heartedness, like someone relying on his/her bloodline. They might awaken their bloodline, but their control was sucks or sloppy, they will affect the surroundings without care for consequences, once they fight something stronger than them, they will be nothing but a chicken that need to truss by them," he said as gripped hard the plastic bottle which causing a large bang and the water poured towards them, which earned him a blank stare from Xenovia. as the former ignores it as took a plastic bottle again as marbles sized stone-filled on it.

" This is an example of someone who trained hard to their limits, their solid base was strong to bear the attacks from someone that stronger than them, even they are injured, they can recover immediately in a days or weeks. Due to the two-cycle of cells when they are intense training, destroy and reconstuct, it destroys the old cells to replace by stronger cells, by repeating the process your regeneration process will be improved drastically," he said as gripped it hard that the plastic was turned to nothingness.


" Don't give that look, it only applicable in Ultimate Class to below, it's very rare to see a Super Class Strength like me except those gods in any Mythologies," he said as he entered to their shrine. As Xenovia was followed him in her mind, she finally found someone stronger than Ultimate Class Strength.

Because Vasco Strada was only a peak High-Class Strength without his limit break that allowed him to fight someone in Ultimate Class Strength, while the seraphim's strength was unknown to her as she learns his strength which is surprised her as he was around her age but his strength was par to the Faction Leader.

--- Omake ---

Rematch of the Two Dragon Emperor

Touru was waiting in Colosseum as he was waiting for the rematch he allowed Vali to add a two people against him, because his strength was par against the Beast of Apocalypse.

After a few minutes later there were three people were walking towards him, Vali's Boosted Gear has undergone evolution into a new subspecies, his Scalemail Armor's color was changed into bright yellow instead of red, the wings on his back was changed into a white cape and his Gauntlets was still a red color and he has no more full helm on his head instead it was a shining head.

Bikou was wearing the same Chinese Armor but the color was bright yellow instead of reddish-brown, he has a red bracer on each arm and a white cape and circlet on his head was still remain but his head was also shining bald. Arthur was wearing a bright yellow Tailcoat, with a large white overcoat on the top of his outfit, he has a red gloves on each hand while his head was same as Bikou, a shining bald.

Touru who saw their arrival couldn't contain him as he roared in laughter.

" Hahahahahaha!!!... couldn't be this two was your long lost brother?" he said which he earned a glare towards the shining trio, while Le Fay who was watching in the audience was searching a hole to hide herself in shame.

""" We follow your advice to get stronger, nothing more nothing less.""" the shining trio said as their head was shining which makes the audience to be blinded by it. While Touru was covering his eyes because he was blinded by them.

" Hey, that's a cheating, why are your bringing something that could blind your enemy in this battle I allowed you to have a teammate and now you cheating for blinding me!!" he said.

""" We didn't cheat you know!!""" the trio said while their head was blinking with light.

" Nope, your head was blinding me, you should put a helmet, it was too much disturbance," he said as the trio has a bulging vein on their head as they rushed towards him.

" Shining Dragon Serious Punch!!!" Vali roared as his head was brightened instead of his gauntlet

" Shining Budha Monkey Serious Smash!!" Bikou roared as his head was shining instead of his Bo Staff.

" Shining Pendragon Serious Slash!!" Arthur said as his head was shining instead of Caliburn.

" Sigh, I'm just stating the truth tsk!! Dragon Apocalypse of Annihilation!!!" Touru said as raised hand as he fired a beam with the same thickness of Super Kame Hame Wave towards them.

* Baaaaaannnnnnggggggg!!!!!!!!!!*

---- To Be Continued ----