Shōmetsu and Korosu & Farming Time in Jotunheim

--- DXD World, Asgard, Valhalla ---

--- Third Person POV ---

In the front of Valhalla, there was a spatial tear that slowly expanded, there was a person who comes out in the spatial tear. A young man with a long hair that reaches in his shoulder, half of his hair was black and the other half was white, this person was none other than Touru who was wearing a rider suit. After he got a message that the weapon that he requested to create was finished, he immediately went towards the Asgard Realm.

" Welcome to Asgard Touru-sama" A voice of the woman could hear, after that, the door in Valhalla was opened. Touru was greeted by the young woman who was around the early twenties, she has a silver-white hair that reaches in her knees, a deep blue pupils in her eyes and she was wearing a Valkyrie Armor.

" No need for formalities Rossweise," Touru said with a smile at a young woman in Valkyrie Armor, which is none other than Rossweise, she was a Valkyrie and Odin's secretary.

" Bu- but you are an important person, so I need to be formal," she said while her cheeks have a light blush.

" You are too serious about that, don't be rigid it's not good to your beauty," he said to Rossweise whose face blushing madly and there was steam that coming out from her ears.

"* Sigh*, that's why you cannot get a boyfriend, well since I'm here you can depend on me, now lead the way." he teasingly said as he hold her hand as they entered in Valhalla, while Rossweise needs a temporary restart as she cannot move on her own.

---- Throne Room ----

Touru and Rossweise arrived at the throne room, they are still holding hands. Touru was walking without embarrassment while Rossweise was evading his line of sight while walking as her face was blushing non-stop. Odin who sitting in the throne has grin in his face as they welcome them, some Valkyries were looking at them with a small smile in their especially towards Rossweise.

" Oya Oya, it seems that Rossweise found a boyfriend huh." Odin teasingly said as he stood upon his throne as he beckons the muscular old man who was bringing the large case made from fine steel.

" Hey don't tease her, well joke aside it seems that the product was finished right?" Touru asked.

" Yes it's finished now, by the way, it seems that Underworld was facing a doom as the Underworld was barely inhabitable for the Devils eh," Odin said as he opened the case, he showed the contents of the case. There was two pistol, this gun was too big to be called pistol, the structure of these guns was same as Alucard's Dual pistol which using the Anti-material Sniper Ammo as it's a bullet, the color was different, the first one was silverly white and the other was jet-black.

" This weapon was enchanted by Primordial Runes, which is preventing it to Overheat and you don't need to reload the bullets as you need your mana to generate the bullets," Odin explained the features of the Dual pistol to Touru, who was excited to use when he learned that he didn't to reload when he wants to create a hail of bullets to the large flock of enemies.

" Do you wanna try this? I have a location in my mind that suitable to show it's full power," he said as he created a Runes around them which allowed them to teleport in a certain realm in Asgard.

--- Jotunheim ---

--- A few minutes later ----

* Bang!!!!!** bang!!!!!!!**bang!!!!!**bang!!!!!*

A gunshots could be heard in the frozen realm, which is the place where the Frost Giant lives. There was a young man in Rider suit who was wielding the two oversized pistol while doing an impossible moves of Gunslinger, he was surrounded by many Frost Giant which is rapidly reducing their population.

" Whoo-hoo!!!!!!"

This young man was none other than Touru, a few minutes ago when they arrived here, he shot a look towards Odin as the latter was anticipating seeing the new way of fighting using the gun and it also to trimmed down some Frost Giant.

" Well this is a suitable place for you to test the gun as well it could help to reduce some threat from the Frost Giants, good luck and do not need to hold back," he said as Touru rolled his eyes at Odin, Touru used the Dark Slayer Arts to gather some Frost Giants.


" Who are you Intro-" a certain Frost Giant said but what he got was a headshot. Some of them saw the incident, all of them went in rage to chase Touru, some of them were calling a reinforcement which is almost a hundred Frost Giants was chasing him, it also caused an earthquake due to their weight. Alas because they chasing him, their fate was doom to perish, some few of them was Low to Mid Ultimate Class Strength while the rest of them was either Mid to Peak High-Class Strength.

* Bang!!!!!**bang!!!!!!!*bang!!!!!!!**baaaaaannnnnnggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!*

--- Meanwhile in Odin side ---

Odin and the others were looking at the genocide of Frost Giants with awe, like Rossweise, for her, this is the first time she saw his other side. The Muscular Old Man that the one who created the guns was stunned but afterward he showed a proud look at his creation. Freya was looking at Touru with a blush, but unfortunately, sometimes he was ignoring her, he may be a Pokemon Master for collecting girls but doesn't mean that he will not check their attitude or their true motives. The Chief Valkyrie Brynhildr was looking at the farming site- no battlefield with an interested look, she saw many wielders of guns but this is the first time for her to see the way of fighting while using the guns. Odin was looking forward in their sparring while using the guns, his warrior's blood was boiling as he wants to join in harvesting-no battling the Frost Giants.

--- A few hours later ---

Two towns of Frost Giants was riddled with holes, a lot of corpse was lying in the ground. The reason why it turns to the state because some of them were eating the human or humanoids species like Youkai and etc. Touru found some survivors from the Youkai, and he found out that some of them were either their clan was outside of Youkai Faction Territory or exiled before the reign of Yasaka as the Leader of Youkai Faction, because of that, he requests Odin to transport them in the safe place and restarting the genocide again.

---- Asgard, Valhalla ----

" So what will be the name of that weapon?" Odin asked Touru who was checking the Dual Oversized Pistol closely.

" Shōmetsu and Korosu," Touru said as put them in a gun holster belt as he look at Odin with an appreciative smile.

" Thanks for this and also if you want something, just messaged me I'm sure that the Khaos Brigade will not sit idly for what happened to the Old Satan Faction even though they are not united," Touru said as he took out the ominous katana which is the sword with a combination of three sword, Yamato, Rebellion, and Sparda which he changed the name into Kigen.

" Well, I appreciate that as I'm eager to experience that fighting style of yours, Gunslinger isn't." Odin happily said as he patted Touru's shoulder.

" Yeah," Touru said as he slashes the space in front of him which created a spatial tear that fit enough for him to enter, after that Touru entered in the spatial tear and vanished in Asgard.

---- To be Continued ----