Weirdly Normal - Part 1

Tang Shaoyang decided to go to the north side this time. It was to avoid a trap, in case, the people who hated him prepared a trap to the west side since he went to the west yesterday. He would rather avoid the trap while fighting the administrator.

More than twenty people followed him to the south. Twenty-three people followed him, and he quickly found out that everyone was Admin Helper. There were no participants between those twenty-three people who followed him.

As Castor predicted, he drew hate and anger from the Admin Helper who was not related to Amos by bringing back those two hates.

As he headed to the south gate, the other participants gave him a look. All of the people he passed by. Almost all participants recognized him right now. From the unknown participant, he had become the center of attention.

Upon arriving at the south gate, his followers increased. From twenty-three, it became thirty-two.