Blood for Blood!!

Tang Shaoyang had set his eyes on the man called Mein, even though the leader of the Imperial Investigator was standing between him and Mein.

"Wait! We can maybe resurrect your team!" Kenver tried his best to persuade Tang Shaoyang, realizing he was at a disadvantage. If Edson had not lent them a hand, then Kenver would not have been confident enough to subdue the Senior Administrator. "You have someone with resurrection skill in your legion, Edson! Use the skill on that person!"

"It's useless, Chief Kenver. Look at the spear your subordinate used." Commander Edson's voice echoed in response.

Tang Shaoyang calmed down slightly at the word of resurrection. He might have a way to bring back Castor, but he needed sacrifice, and he had his eyes on the sacrifices. He signaled his hand at his spirits, indicating they could make their move right now.