Going Home

The sun was almost gone, and the two moons in the sky were getting visible over time. I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep, fortunately, it was not too late.

A loud growling noise emerged from my empty stomach. I could no longer bear the hunger pangs, but I was afraid to explore around the woods as I was powerless. The only thing I could do was drink more water from the lake to try and fill my stomach.

Suddenly, I heard a branch creak and leaves rustle behind me. "What was that?" I thought with alarm. "Someone's here!"

I quickly hid behind a large tree, pressing my body against the rough bark. I kept the journal tucked close to my chest, my heart pounding. I cautiously peeked around the trunk to see who was approaching.

It turned out to be a burly man wearing an old hunter's vest that was tight against his muscular frame. Strapped to his back was a massive red battleaxe - it looked like it could slice me in two with a single swing. He had scars all over his body and a prominent one across his left shoulder that resembled the shape of an axe. His brown eyes were filled with a fiery intensity - the kind of look that can only come from being a hardened veteran.

The man scanned the area intently, as if searching for something...or someone. Then, quick as a flash, he vanished from sight as the leaves on the ground swirled upwards in his wake.

I was shocked. How could someone so big move so fast? I frantically looked around, trying to spot where he went.

Suddenly, a gruff voice spoke from right behind me, nearly scaring me out of my skin. "Are you done messing around out here, boy?"

I froze, not daring to turn around. I could tell from his speed and stealth that I didn't stand a chance of escaping this man. My only option was to hope I could talk my way out of this. I stayed silent, unsure of how to respond.

After a few moments, the man yelled impatiently, "Speak up, boy! Your father sent me to find you. Do you know how much trouble you've caused? Your mother hasn't eaten a bite, sick with worry over you! Your father has been asking every soul in the village for help to find you, you ungrateful brat!"

The man went on, berating me relentlessly. But as I listened, I started to realize something - he wasn't here to harm me. He was trying to get me to go back home.

"Your father warned you plenty of times how dangerous these woods are," he continued. "He told you your weak constitution wouldn't survive a night out here alone. It'll be dark soon, we need to get back before then."

He hefted the massive axe casually with one arm, as if it weighed nothing. I got the sense he was telling the truth about taking me home.

"Please bring me back, uncle," I said politely, turning to face him. "I hit my head and my memory is foggy. I'm also very hungry." I gave a respectful bow.

Suddenly, a bolt of pain shot through my head as a flood of foreign memories rushed in. The intense influx of information was too much to process all at once. I nearly blacked out, but the man moved swiftly to support me before I collapsed.

"Steady now, are you alright?" he asked with concern. "No surprise you're unwell, going without food or water all day. I know you think you're ready to be a cultivator off in the woods alone, but you're still just a boy. Your body's too weak for that life yet. Gotta accept your limits, lad - pushing yourself will just lead to an early grave."

He pulled a small red vial from a pouch at his waist. "Drink this, it'll restore some strength. More effective than any food or water."

The potion felt oddly familiar, reminding me of health potions from the RPG video games I played in my old life. I drank it without hesitation. Immediately I felt some energy return to my weary body.

The man turned his back to me and crouched down. "Hop on, I'll carry you back home."

As I climbed onto his sturdy back, snippets of memory floated back to me. This man's name was Meng Heng. He was my father's closest friend, not a blood relative, but considered family nonetheless.

Both he and my father were once part of the Florencia Sect, but Meng Heng's father was crippled saving his son from a nobleman's wrath. After that, Meng Heng continued on the path of cultivation while his father lived as a mortal. But he always helped my family when we needed him - it was his way of honoring his father's sacrifice.

"Thank you for coming to find me, Uncle Meng," I said sincerely as I held on tight. My eyelids grew heavy again and I soon drifted off, feeling secure in his care. No matter what happened next, I knew I could rely on Uncle Meng.