Modified Bracelet

After his first training session with Uncle Meng, Ran hurried home, eager to experiment more with his abilities. The breathing exercise had confirmed his suspicions that this world operated like the MMORPG he played on Earth. Now he wanted to learn the full extent of his powers here.

"How was your first cultivation lesson?" asked Mei as Ran sat down for dinner.

"It went well, Uncle Meng taught me breathing techniques," said Ran between bites. "But it was quite tiring, so I think I'll go to bed early tonight."

"Of course, you need your rest," said Hong.

After finishing his meal, Ran went upstairs and closed his bedroom door. Finally alone, he addressed his internal Modification System.

"System, can I use you to modify my own body directly?" he whispered.

"Host cannot directly modify his body," answered the mechanical voice in his mind. "The only method of body enhancement is by consuming Attribute Points gained through combat."

Just like in the game, thought Ran. "What about indirectly enhancing myself, like modifying items I wear or consume to boost my abilities?"

"Host can modify items to provide various effects, at the cost of expending Soulforce," replied the System.

Ran's excitement grew. "So I should be able to create gear that improves my stats and skills, like in the MMORPG!"

"Confirmed. Host can imbue items with special attributes by converting Soulforce during the modification process," said the System.

Ran could barely contain his grin. This proved beyond doubt that he had transmigrated into a world that operated by game-like rules. With this knowledge, he could optimize his training and grow powerful quickly.

A flash of inspiration hit Ran. Back on Earth, crafted gear often provided stat percentages instead of flat bonuses. If he poured all his Soulforce into modifying an item, could he create equipment giving a percentage boost right from the start? That would accelerate his training tremendously!

Ran searched the room and grabbed a jade bracelet - one of the few pieces of jewelry he owned. "System, focus all my Soulforce into modifying this bracelet. I want to try granting it a percentage increase to my comprehension."

"Processing request...Warning, this will leave Host temporarily weakened. Recommend gradual modifications," answered the System.

"I understand, do it anyway," commanded Ran resolutely. This experiment was too important.

Ran felt a huge drain on his Soulforce reserves as the System funneled every last drop into the bracelet. When the process ended, Ran's vision blurred and his knees went weak, causing him to collapse onto the bed.

"Modification successful...Host is advised to rest," said the System as Ran's world went dark. He had exhausted his entire Soulforce supply in one go.

The next morning, Mei had to shake Ran awake, worried that he had overslept. Ran sat up groggily, then noticed the jade bracelet on his wrist, glinting in the sunlight. His experiment!

Ran quickly checked the bracelet's properties via his System. The item description read:

Jade Cultivation Bracelet (Bronze) Comprehension +10%

It worked! Though risky, his gamble paid off. With an item like this accelerating his progress, Ran could reach new heights. Grinning with excitement, he got up to start his training.

"Good morning Master," Ran greeted.

"Ah Ran, let's continue where we left off yesterday," said Uncle Meng, brewing some tea.

Ran nodded eagerly. "Yes, I'm excited to learn more."

Uncle Meng chuckled. "Good, always keep that enthusiasm. Now, yesterday we worked on foundational breath control. Today we build your physical conditioning."

Ran followed Uncle Meng outside to the training yard with its weights, poles, and other equipment.

"A cultivator's body must become a fine-tuned instrument," lectured Uncle Meng. "We will train your strength, speed, balance and endurance."

Uncle Meng demonstrated proper lifting techniques before having Ran start with small stone weights. Ran increased the resistance each set, soon lifting heavy amounts.

"Well done, you're a natural!" praised Uncle Meng.

Of course, this rapid progress was thanks to Ran's jade bracelet boosting his comprehension. He just visualized muscles growing stronger, and they did.

But when Uncle Meng set up bamboo poles and instructed Ran to run while balancing them, problems arose. Despite understanding the theory perfectly, Ran's body couldn't match the skill level. He constantly tripped and dropped poles while running.

"Don't worry, these skills take time to master," said Uncle Meng patiently as Ran picked himself off the ground again.

Ran frowned in frustration. His mental boost didn't translate into physical adeptness. This path would take more work.

They moved on to hopping between tree stumps, shimmying up ropes, and dodging swinging logs. Ran struggled with each one, his enhanced comprehension unable to make up for actual bodily limits.

By afternoon, both student and master were exhausted. Ran's muscled ached as he sat down with Uncle Meng for tea.

"You have impressive talent, my boy! Your mental abilities are incredible," praised Uncle Meng.

Ran smiled weakly, realizing his bracelet's effects had drawbacks. Progress would be slower than expected. After bidding Uncle Meng farewell for the day, Ran trudged home deep in thought.

Back in his room, he made a decision. "System, modify the bracelet again. Add +10% Vitality this time."

The process drained Ran completely. Mei shook him awake the next morning, worried about his health. Ran checked the updated bracelet adding Vitality, and grinned. This would fuel his physical training better.