First Fight

Ran could barely contain his excitement after getting permission from Uncle Meng to start combat training. As soon as he got home, he rushed to the backyard shed to see what equipment he could use for hunting.

"Let's see, I'll need a good weapon," Ran murmured, sorting through rusty tools and dusty crates. In the back corner he found an old hunting bow that had belonged to his father years ago. 

Ran turned the cracked wooden bow over in his hands. The upper limb was partially split and the bowstring was frayed and worn. But the basic structure was still sound.

"With some modifications, I can fix this up good as new," Ran said confidently. Closing his eyes, he tapped into his internal Modification System.

"Enhance durability, strength, and elasticity of this bow," Ran commanded, channeling his Soulforce. The process drained some of his cultivated energy reserves, but it was worth it. 

When the glowing and humming from the modification process faded, Ran grasped the bow and immediately felt the difference. The wood grain was tighter and stronger, the limbs sturdy and flexible. Drawing back on the string demonstrated the excellent elasticity. This bow could handle the stresses of combat now.

Ran nodded in satisfaction before heading to his bedroom. There, he eagerly checked his jade bracelet's updated attributes. To his delight, repeated modifications had strengthened its potency, transforming it from a normal quality item into a Rare one! The jade now had a soft inner glow and provided over 20% boosts to various abilities.

"With this, I'll have a crucial advantage during my first real battle," Ran said, smiling excitedly. His initial risks modifying the bracelet paid off.

The day of his first hunt arrived bright and clear. After a quick breakfast, Ran strapped on his quiver of arrows and slung his modified bow over his shoulder. 

"Be safe out there!" his mother Mei called out as Ran headed off towards the forest. "Don't take any unnecessary risks!"

"I'll be careful, don't worry!" Ran replied. But inside, his heart was pounding with anticipation. According to locals, a Three-Headed Bear lurked deep in these woods. It would be his perfect first trophy.

Using skills taught by Uncle Meng, Ran stealthily tracked the bear by scent to its cave lair. He observed patiently from a concealed vantage point as the hulking beast emerged, stretching its three massive heads with loud yawns, each head larger than Ran himself.

The bear had gray fur, with vicious claws and an imposing muscular frame. But Ran noticed it moved somewhat slowly, likely due to its sheer bulk. 

"Alright you ugly brute, time to meet your match," Ran whispered.

Ran circled around the hulking three-headed bear, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. His modified bow was gripped tightly in hand, arrow nocked and ready. Ran's heart pounded with exhilaration and tension as he began his first real hunt. 

The bear lumbered towards a shady pond, the ground rumbling beneath its massive paws. Just as it lowered its heads to drink, Ran drew the bowstring and let an arrow fly.

It pierced deep into the left bear head's eye with a meaty thunk. The beast reared back with an earth-shattering roar of agony, swiveling to fix all three enraged gazes upon Ran.

Ran was already rolling away as the bear charged, its huge claws swiping the air just shy of his heels. Coming out of the evasion, Ran smoothly nocked and loosed another arrow in one fluid motion. 

This one slammed into the center head's snout. The bear snarled, shaking its heads violently as blood streamed from its wounds.

"Is that all you got?" Ran taunted, constantly staying light on his feet. His goal was to enrage the beast and lure it into making mistakes. 

As expected, his barbs further incensed the bear. It lunged again, but Ran lithely jumped and rebounded off a tree to alter his trajectory in mid-air. 

While airborne, he rapidly fired 3 more arrows, scoring hits on the bear's back and flank. It wheeled around with a bellow, trying to bat Ran from the sky.

Ran barely managed to twist his body to avoid the swipe. He landed and had to immediately dive and roll away as the bear stampeded toward him.

Its massive paw smashed into the earth right where Ran had stood a split-second before, leaving a small crater. Ran could feel the force of the impact through the ground. If struck directly, he'd be snapped in two.

Capitalizing on the bear's headlong rush, Ran popped up right in its blind spot and planted two arrows into the joints of its rear leg as it thundered past.

The bear stumbled, then collapsed onto its side with a ground-shaking crash, the injured leg unable to support its bulk. It flailed angrily, snapping and swiping at air with its three maws.

Seeing his chance, Ran rapidly emptied his quiver, targeting the softer underbelly now exposed. The bear's roars turned to whimpers as the relentless barrage overwhelmed it. Soon it lay still, its crimson blood soaking the forest floor.

Ran let out a huge breath of relief, gripping his bow. His modified bracelet had provided crucial bonuses to strength, speed and stamina throughout the harrowing fight.

As the bear's life force faded, Ran's system notified him of a five-realm increase in his cultivation base! He was now extremely close to reaching the Foundation Building stage. 

Grinning and exhausted from the intense battle, Ran harvested the bear's most useful materials before staggering back home in triumph. He couldn't wait to sell the rare items at market tomorrow.

This first victory fueled Ran's confidence. With specialized gear and growing experience, he knew he could swiftly advance on the path of cultivation. Many trials still lay ahead, but he felt ready to face them.