
"Let me first explain the basics of cultivation," Sato said. "You know about the cultivation realms from your Uncle Meng right? There's the Qi Realm with 10 stages, Foundation Realm with 10 stages, Core Realm with 10 stages, and so on. No one knows the true limit of human power - you'll discover it in time."

"For now, take this gift." Sato presented an elegant golden sword. "I noticed you use a bow, but swords suit your bloodline better."

Ran's eyes widened as he saw the inscription - "+13". Sato explained "This indicates it's version 13, the strongest iteration of this sword. Going beyond +13 could destroy the sword, as the materials are maxed out."

Ran was intrigued by the game-like system of weapons. He gladly accepted the sword, planning to secretly modify it later.

"Now, your training begins. You must use the sword and cut a small wound of your hand. "

Ran unsheathed the elegant sword, marveling at its craftsmanship. As Sato instructed, he used the razor-sharp edge to make a small cut on his palm.

Ran winced slightly at the sting. But before his eyes, the wound rapidly began healing, skin knitting back together until no trace of the cut remained. Ran felt a drain on his energy, as if the healing had tapped into his vitality.

"Excellent! Your dragon bloodline has accelerated healing as expected," Sato remarked with satisfaction.

Ran was amazed at the display of his bloodline's power. So it truly was awakening now, albeit with the hidden assistance of his system.

Sato explained "By spilling your blood with the sword, you established a connection allowing your legacy to flow into the blade. This sword can now draw on your bloodline to heal you." the blade through meditation and practice. The deeper the bond, the more power it will channel."

Energized by this prospect, Ran diligently spent the next few weeks absorbed in sword training whenever they rested. His mastery steadily grew, the sword moving fluidly as an extension of his will. In private, he also used his system to reinforce the synchronization.

Soon, Ran was wielding the golden sword with deadly grace and instincts. Even Sato was astonished by his rapid progress. With his secretly enhanced physique courtesy of the system, and the sword augmenting his presumed dragon bloodline powers, Ran was rising at meteoric speed.

After few days...

The sound of clashing swords rang out in the forest clearing as Ran sparred intensely with Sato. Wielding his golden blade, Ran moved with startling speed and fluidity, parrying Sato's strikes.

Their training sessions had become incredibly dynamic lately, with Ran's skills growing rapidly. Sato unleashed blasts of wind from his sword, but Ran deflected them with swirling arcs of his blade.

"Excellent progress, my prince! Your swordsmanship is outstanding," praised Sato as they paused the duel.

"Thank you Uncle Sato, you've taught me well," Ran replied respectfully. Inside, he was proud of integrating his system's enhancements so seamlessly.

After their intense sparring session, Sato suggested they take a break. Ran hurried to bathe in a nearby river.

Once alone, Sato looked at his hand shaking slightly. "Even with me limiting my strength to the Foundation Realm, he could make my arm tremble," Sato muttered to himself.

"Am I raising a demon or a prodigy? The prince's talent exceeds imagination. Without even awakening his Haki or full bloodline power yet, he can match me."

Sato's mind spun thinking about Ran's potential. "If his Haki and dragon legacy fully manifest, will anyone in the world be able to stop him? Such heaven-defying progress is almost too much for me to guide properly."

Sato shook his head, composing himself before Ran returned. For now, he had to keep encouraging the prince's growth. There would be time later to worry about controlling such power, if needed.

When Ran came back, Sato said "You did outstanding today, my prince. At this rate, you will certainly surpass your father Lord Rayleigh one day!"

Ran smiled humbly. "I am honored by your praise, Uncle Sato. I will keep working hard." Inside, Ran made a note to be more careful about revealing his true limits from now on.

Over the next few weeks, Ran focused on building just foundational skills - basic sword forms, agility drills etc. He hid the immense strength gains from his system, not wanting to arouse more of Sato's suspicions.

There would come a time to unleash his power, but prudence was necessary for now. Step by step, Ran masterfully navigated the delicate balancing act, keeping his two worlds separate yet still advancing steadily. Patience and care were vital to prevent either from spinning out of control before the destined convergence.