Fate Or Faith

Angels had no choice other than to close all the routes before demons could get to the human world and ruin it all. But they were disappointed to let that curse live free on the Earth. This resulted that no Angels nor demons could step foot on the Earth at any cause.

Meanwhile on the Earth, a man passing by found that baby crying on the streets while in was raining hard. He took her, went to the shade and while looking at the baby, he paused, he felt as if he held his world.

She was very beautiful. Her eyes were something he couldn't keep off gazing. She seemed as pure as snow. As he smiled to the baby, she stopped crying. Later she smiled back to him. The man was happy taking her in his arms. She was happy too.

And started to babble, while babbling she sounded "Nia" and her tiny little hands caught his fingers. It was something he felt like heaven. "Nia! That's a good name... Now onwards you're my baby" the man said and took her home.

He and her baby arrived home. He showed Nia to her wife. They were newly married couple. Her glittering eyes fell into that child and said, How adorable she was! She asked who that baby was?

His husband said her, how she was lying alone in that cold raining street and there was no one to help her. Someone left her to die in that rainy street. This is how I took her home. Both of their eyes got filled with tears. She hugged him and said that they'll be the one taking care of her. And she also said to report the police about the missing baby.

Years passed but there was no such complain about somebody's missing child, So they decided to raise Nia as their own child. Nia was not like any other girl as she started to learn very instantly. At the age of one, she could walk and talk. Her words were somewhat enough for others to understand. At the age of two, she could understand things. As she was growing older, she understood stuffs deeply.

She conceived all the emotions that a normal child possesses, yet she was different. The truth was hidden from her that she was adopted, they loved her and she loved them too. She got everything she needed love, care, happiness and everything she could ever dream of.

But never tasted the feeling of sorrow, hate, jealousy, anger, etc. Untill she turned three. That was the time when her younger sister took birth. She was beautiful too.