Sorry kiddo

Mino tried all his best to talk to Aylin but it seemed that the whole world was against of it. During the teaching lessons he didn't get time for conversations nor during his recess time. He could have his chance but all those girls who were craving for his attention surrounded him one by one and at different time but whenever these situations came he was successful to make excuses and get rid of it.

This was least he could do to save him but he felt a bit strange that a girl like Aylin wasn't involve much with any of her friend. He was happy for that she wasn't liked by guys cause non of them came to her not even to wave her hey. Though she was the most beautiful among all her mates but she didn't had male friends. Girls were all friendly to her but she didn't seem much close to them or to anybody.

It was disappointment form both the sides. Aylin thought, "he got all those girls what else do he want, it's sure that he would never want a girl like me, not even as a friend or if he does we both are in trouble, it's better if we don't."

Whereas Mino thought, "look at all these witches they are running after me as I'm some kind of trophy, I don't get it, there are other guys too other than me and there are many, oh hell why??? Why only to me! I don't even want to see their faces but they always come trying to stick with me. Ehhhh! Hate them and then comes she who didn't even look at me once the whole day when I just looked and wondered her all throughout the day. We know we've seen each other twice or thrice but now here she is not even noticing me as if I don't exist, how mean of her."

The school was over and everyone was going home Aylin also was walking to her house, she felt strange as if someone is tracing her. The way she moves the way he moved but he wasn't alone, he was with his bicycle but if he had his bicycle why don't he ride it and just go, is something wrong with his legs.

As a turn arrived Aylin got to see his face, what she saw was unbelievable, "God! Is it him? Yes, it was her crush whom she wanted to crush at school with all those chicks. She was walking to her home with a thought at every step she took, "Should I turn back, I can't believe is he the one, just a slight turn but what if, if he sees me turning back towards him then there would be no difference between me and those chicks, I don't think I should. He in his mind,"please turn back, I just wanna see a sight of you please please please...."

When her house was just few steps away she went inside and didn't even bother to look back as if their was nobody walking behind her. He walked by her house with a sadness that she didn't even look at him.

Not only Mino was angry but their was somebody else who was burning up behind the windows when she saw him walking with his bicycle all the way to her house and as he passed away by her house, he started to ride his bicycle as fast as he could, Yes it was non other than Nia who boiled her up.

Nia then went to Aylin for knowing what she did today, as she always hugged her after she comes from school, she hugged her the same when she came to know what she did today, she was in extream happiness but when she came to know the reason why she did, it made her tap Aylin's head with a smile on her face. Aylin's last thought in her mind was, "I would never do a thing that would hurt my sister and never let know what hurts me the most."

Nia in her mind,"My Aylin is getting smarter and getting matured every day, she is getting to know what a person does when they really love someone but at the same time she was disappointed too cause all her efforts that she made to hide her feeling of being over protective were already resulted to effortless failure.

She understood, it was okay for her to know things and this is how we grow. All the memories not only the good ones but also the bad ones make us feel all the right and wrong things. Also, it not only let us decide ways but it teaches to make ways and it's what makes us more human.

Later she went to Aylin and said, "Sweetie I want you to take all your decisions than to choose over others, just be sure of all the consequences before you do things."

Hearing this made Aylin to hug her and ask how did she know. Nia reply, "don't know, just had thoughts of it all through these days."