MFL Presents: Stranded On You - Chapter 3

[Dumaguete City]

Queuing lines inside the bank is longer than expected.  Angie is getting impatient on how they handle the clients.  She's been waiting two hours now and it's almost noon break. She left the island at  and haven't take a good breakfast, so she can no longer wait for another cut off otherwise she will have acid reflux again.  Aside from that she knows no one in this city so she can't afford to miss the last trip going back.

"Hi,  excuse me. Ikapila ka queue?" Angie asks the lady beside her waiting to be called like her. 

("Hi, excuse me. What's your queuing number?" Angie asks the lady beside her waiting to be called like her.)

"Ika 39, ikaw diay?"

("I'm 39th in the queue. How about you?")

"Ika 42. Oy wa pa biya ko'y pamahaw nga tarong unya hapit na ang cutoff. Ang makalagot kay 25 pa biya ang gitawag nila. Kung 1pm sila magresume, di na ni nako mahuwat kay di na ko kaabot unya sa last trip pauli sa isla."

(" I'm 42th in the queue. I haven't take my breakfast and the it's almost cutoff. Worst thing is they still serving number 25. If they will resume at 1 pm,  I can't wait any that long because I have to catch the last trip going back to the island.")

"Ah taga isla ka? Wa ba'y branch did to?"

("Oh you're from the island? Don't they have branch there?")

"Wa intawon. Wa ra ba giyod ko'y kaila diri kung di ko makauli unya. Puwede mamalihog?" Angie says.

("Unfortunately, they don't.  I don't know anyone here so I really have to go back today. Can I ask a favor?" Angie says.)

"Unsa man?" says the lady.

("What is it?" says the lady.)

"Puwede tag-ilisay na lang ta'g number?" she has no choice at all.

("Can we exchange queuing number?" she has no choice at all.)


"Thank you so much," she's delightfully thank the stranger.

"Wa'y sapayan. Bitaw, puwede man ka'ng mokaon usa. Bantayan nako ang queue. 

("It's nothing.  Anyway you can go out and eat first. I'll watch the queue," )

"Thank you. Diay tuod, Angie," she extend her hand for handshake.

("Thank you. Oh, I'm Angie," she extend her hand for handshake.)

"Lena," the lady gladly accepts her  hand.

"Nice to meet you,  Lena. Moadto na ko. Ay tuod, naa ka'y gustong paliton?"

("Nice to meet you, Lena. I'll go then. Anything you wanna buy?")

"Ah wala,  okay ra ko. Lakaw na."

("Oh nothing. Go ahead.")



Angie quickly exits the bank and look for a nearby diner and fast food chain. Thankfully, there's a nearby diner so she rush over without looking sideways for she is really hungry. She has no idea there is someone passing in front of her too and they bump into each other and Angie stumble on the ground.

"Aw! Buta ba ka?!" Angie shouts as she is trying to get up from the ground.

("Ouch!  Are you blind?!"Angie shouts as she is trying to get up from the ground.)

"Hey, watch you're going!" the man says fixing his action camera and doesn't bother to look the other person on the ground.

When Angie hears the other person  talking in American accent, she quickly directs  her eyes on him. And there she sees a more or less 5'9 tall man wearing shades with backpack on the back. Wearing  a black T-shirt.

"Hey! Is that all what you have to say?" she angrily says.

"It's not my fault. You're not paying attention," the man replies. His arrogance makes Angie even more angry.

"Lami-a kaayo lambusan 'ning kagwanga ni!" Angie silently says while clenching her fist in frustration. 

("I wanna lash this jerk!" Angie silently says while clenching her fist in frustration.)

"No, you're not the one who's not paying attention. You're busy filming yourself," she rebuts.

"You know, I don't time for this. Have  a nice day, Miss," then man goes away. You can't imagine Angie's face looking at  the arrogant man walking. Angie badly wants to stone the but unfortunately can't find one.

"Argh! Hoy puting patatas, balik diri!" she screams in frustration. 

("Argh! Hey white potato, come back here!" she screams in frustration.)

She feels her ankle is aching, maybe she sprains herself that time she's stumbled. She has no choice but to fix herself and continue to the burger house instead of the diner. She loses her appetite at the moment because of what had happened.  So decides to order a burger and soda go back quickly to queue.

As she get back inside, she relates what happened to her new friend, Lena. And this new friend is somehow feeling the thrill as she relates her story. It is as if Lena is listening to her relating a KDrama scene.

"Halo oy! Unsay hitsura niya? Guwapo ba"?

("Oh my! How does he look? Is he handsome?" Lena asks intriguingly.)

"Wa nako siya tutuki kay naglagot kaayo ko. Basta tawo siya. Naa'y kamot, ilong baba; kay niistorya man, and worst of all he's arrogant,"

("I didn't look at him intently because I was angry. But the sure thing is  he's human with hands, nose, mouth; because he's talked, and worst  of all he's arrogant.")

"Unta magkita mo ug sab, no? Pareha ba sa mga KDrama."

("Hope you'll meet again guys. It's like those on KDrama."

"Ay ambot. Ako pa nimo, undangi na ng KDrama, unrealistic na," she replies.

("Whatever. If were you, I'll stop watching KDrama. It's unrealistic," she replies.)

"And if I were you, I'll start binging KDramas and start adding colors to your  world.

They continue talking until  finally it's her turn.

As for her grandpa's debt, she request another two months extension and promised to pay the half of it. Thankfully, the mananger agrees aftering hearing about his grandpa's ailment and the funeral. She believes, two months is reasonable. And that she's determine to find ways how get the said amount of money.

On her way to the port,  she's limping because her ankle is aching more and more. Maybe it's the adrenaline that she didn't feel like it earlier. She even hardly make it to the boat. Thankfully, there's a first aid section on the boat and she asks for help. She's relieve after the help she receives from them. She even asks for the attendant if can sit on the window side near the exit.

It's already 4pm and thankfully, she's able to catch the last trip. As she is leaning her head on the window,  someone speaks.

"Excuse me,  that's my seat," man says. After hearing a foreign accent again. She can't help it but rolled her eyes. She's still   trying to forget  what had happened and then another foreigner again!

"Paita ning kinabuhia oy!" on the back of her  mind, she says. 

"What a life!" on the back of her  mind, she says.

She acts like she didn't understand what he says and ignore him, but the man is persistent.

"Hey, that's my...Oh you're that clumsy girl," the man says in realization. After hearing him say, there's a sudden hot liquid rushing her veins climbing up to her face. She feels it! However, she realizes that she needs to maintain her composure. She's professional and there are many people on boat. She doesn't want to cause a scandal that  can ruin her reputation. He take a breath and speak.

Oh, you're that white potato who ran away after harming an individual," she says sarcastically and look unto him.

"A what?" the man seems surprise of what he just heard.

"A white potato," she emphasizes the last word.

"Look here, I need my seat. I paid for it  and I'm sitting it, okay? Now move," the man commands her but she's firm.

"Is it really that hard to say sorry?  Thanks to you I have now sprained ankle. I was even having a hard time entering this boat." The man attempts to speak but Angie interrupts by signaling marshal to come over.

"Yes, ma'am?" the attendant says.

"Sir,  I already had permission from the  First Aid Section that I'm gonna  sit here.    I have  a sprained ankle on my right and it's dangerous if I sit near the passage way. May you please find  another seat near the window for our tourist?" she kindly request the attendant for seat replacement.

The man is surprise of that she said.

"I can..." the man attempts to speak to her but she's signaling to stop because she doesn't want to argue anymore. Considering he's enduring the pain on her ankle. She has no strength left to argue at all. All she want is to have at least a relax trip back home.

"Sir, please me," the attendant lead the way and the man follows.

She will never forget this day. She went through a lot on the same day. She forgot to eat, she had wait long queue, she was bumped by an arrogant tourist and worst of all she has sprained ankle.