Message from the General

Bang, bang, bang. "May I come in?"

I woke up to that noise. I thought I was back home at that point with my mother coming into my room to wake me up. Then the battle, the knights, the fortress and the woman called sam all came back to me. Sigh, "Come in."

The man who I first saw yesterday came in. "How are you?" He looked concerned which surprised me. He only looked calm yesterday no other emotion showed on his face at all. "I am fine, why would you ask the question anyway?"

He walked up to me, started to check me other, "You were screaming all of last night, saying the names Jason and Leo over and over again. Who are they? Might I ask?" After he told me that I remembered how they died and felt some tears running down my face. As I dried my tears up, "They were my squad mates. They both killed my demons." After I had said that his calm face resurfaced once more. "Anyway your wounds have healed very well. A message came for you as well."

After passing the message over to me he said goodbye and left quietly. The message was simple. It just ordered me to report to the general who was in charge of the fort as well as the surrounding legions.

Getting out of the bed slowly, I felt no pain at all. I carefully put some fresh clothes over myself avoiding moving the bandages in case my body wasn't fully healed. Then with a fright I realised that I didn't have the medallion with me. I looked all over for it. Only to see it hanging off from the mirror. Going over to it and picking it up. I carefully put it on, thankful that I hadn't lost it.

Just as I was about to leave I saw a piece of paper that must have been behind my medallion had fallen to the floor.

Adoh, all though we never really spoke much. You seemed like a nice person so I cleaned the blood of the medallion for you. It looks important and as a mage it emits mana type that I have never seen before.Therefore I wouldn't lose it if I were you.

Signed, Sam

It was a letter from the woman from yesterday. After finding out that she was a mage I was wondering why she would even be in a military infirmary and the part about the mana was interesting to say the least. Though it is not like I could sense mana though so it was a little bit useless. I turned it over randomly to see if there was any more writing on the back. To my surprise there was.

If you find this that means you care about me or you were just being curious. I doubt you will ever be able to see me again so if there is any interest there in you, it is pointless.


Seeing what was on the back I felt my heart crack. She is ruthless I thought to myself. Putting the note in a pocket to keep it safe. I opened my door and left my room. Walking down the hallway back to the first room I entered I walked past a range of people. Some were medical staff, others wounded soldiers. There was even one man I couldn't tell. He was rather tall but thin and was in full black with a hood up so I couldn't see his face.

As I was about to leave I was stopped by a yell. "Excuse me, could you please and come fill out these forms before you leave." I went other to the area I was yelled at from. It was a woman in similar clothing as Sam but she looked far less beautiful than Sam. "Can you read and write or would you like me to do it?"

Taking the forms off her, "I can do it, thank you." The forms were basic. It just wanted my name, rank and unit. I filled in my name and rank but stopped over the unit as I didn't have one anymore. Looking at the woman, "Excuse me, what do I put in the unit? As it's just that the unit I was with doesn't exist anymore."

She looked back at me with a face of guilt and a little bit of shame. "I am sorry, I did not think you were one of the nine. Just leave it blank for now." As I didn't have anymore to fill out on the form I gave it back to her and left. As I was leaving I heard someone say something that caught my interest. "Look, he is one of the nine. The nine rookies who survived a demon attack without undergoing a bloodline awakening. The nine must be insanely strong to survive but looking at him I think that they are just lucky."

After I left I walked through the fort to the general's office but this was only after getting directions from a helpful man who seemed like it was his day off as he didn't have any amour on at all or a weapon with him.

After following the man's directions I passed the practise grounds, the barracks and the storage area before approaching the keep where the general was staying and it was also where his office was. I walked up to the gate to enter the keep. "Halt, state your purpose for entering the keep legionary and show proof of why you are, as well!"

I took out the message stating that I had to see the general and handed it over to the guard. After reading it he seemed to have worked something out. "So is it true that you have not undergone an awakening and that you fought demons? Also that one of the nine killed a demon in one on one combat? The last thing is it true that you were charging to your deaths basically instead of trying to run when the knights arrived? "

Smiling at all of the questions that he suddenly had thrown my way. "Yes we fought the demons without an awakening. Yes one of us killed one in single combat in fact that was me. Yeah we were charging to our deaths when the knights arrived."

Finding out it was me who killed the demon it looked like he was about to bombard me with more questions. "I am sorry but I do really have to go."

He then worked out that he had been a bit inappropriate. "I'm sorry for all that it is just the first time something like this has happened. The general is in the keep. When you get there show the guard on the door your message and he will let you in. Once in there you will probably be met by an adjendent officer who will lead you to the general himself. "A word of advice. The adjendent officer thinks that they are highly important so flatter them a lot they will like."

As I left heading to the keep I thanked him and said goodbye.