Does he really like Chang Seol?

"Oh, you." Ji Ye laughs at her. "Did you take Jeong-Hyuk's words seriously and submitted that application? Do you really think that you can become a singer because he said that you have a nice voice? Chang Seol, don't ruin your life like that. Even if you cross the audition, it's not that easy. Jeong-Hyuk might be able to help you a little but he can't help you survive the entertainment industry."

Mister isn't saying anything. He's observing her in silence. So he would let his girlfriend speak to her like this. Does he love her that much? Chang Seol blinks her eyes slowly. "Miss Oh, why do you think that I need his help to survive in the entertainment industry?"

"Why?" Oh Ji Ye leans forward. "Do you have a bigger thigh to hold on to -- my, my, you aren't thinking that my cousin would help you. Forget about it. He's not interested in a liar like you."

Mister is still quiet.

"Miss Oh, I hate you," Chang Seol states. "I also hate your boyfriend. Both of you are an eyesore. One of the reasons why I don't want to live here anymore is that I don't want to wake up every day and see both of you."

There, she said it. She's been trying to hold it inside but Oh Ji Ye's words have triggered her. "You should worry about yourself instead of worrying about me. Just because he's kind enough to forgive you once, I am sure that he won't let it slide if it happens again -- and if he does, there's no one more foolish than he is."

Ji Ye widens her eyes in shock. "How?"

"I overheard it." Chang Seol shrugs. "As you know already, my hearing is good."

Namgung Yeon-Sik eyes his friend who has his eyes fixed on Chang Seol. He wonders if Chang Seol is talking about the reason why Sin Jeong-Hyuk left S City.

Oh Ji Ye covers her face and starts sobbing again.

"I am leaving," Chang Seol announces with a calm voice before she walks out of the house.

Boo Bong-Su turns his head toward Sin Jeong-Hyuk. "Aren't you going to stop her?"

"She will come back." Sin Jeong-Hyuk doesn't pay attention to Oh Ji Ye. "She doesn't have her suitcase with her."

"Maybe she isn't taking her suitcase with her anymore." Mun Soyoon chimes in, "It's not like she had much with her anyway."

He folds his fingers, starting at the empty chair. Should he go after her? It's late already. Isn't it dangerous for her to leave now? If she wants to leave, she should leave tomorrow. He will leave first.

Sin Jeong-Hyuk half-turns his body, looking at the woman who is crying in a suppressed voice. "Ji Ye, pack your things. We will leave tomorrow morning."

She peers through her fingers. Is he leaving with her finally? She holds his hands. "Jeong-Hyuk, you made the right decision."

"I need to go right now." He removes her hands off him smoothly. "Have dinner and then, go to sleep."

"Huh?" Ji Ye looks at him, confused. "Where are you going?"

"Night walk." That's the only word that he offers. And then, he leaves the house.

She turns her head toward Yeon-Sik. The professor doesn't meet her eyes. He goes straight to his room, mumbling about being tired.

"I need to check my results." Boo Bong-Su hurries to his room. After hearing Ji Ye's words earlier, he doesn't like her as much as he liked her before. Oh Ji Ye might be his goddess actress but Chang Seol is his friend. By the way, Oh Ji Ye is only pretty on the screen anyway.

Mun Soyoon is already dozing off on the couch. Yoon In Jae gives a polite bow to Ji Ye before he lifts Mun Soyoon in his arms and takes her to her room upstairs.

"I expected her to be sexy." Yoon In Jae utters as he lays Mun Soyoon on the bed, "But she turned out to be a hag. How is Jeong-Hyuk dealing with her?"

"Like he deals with everything else." Mun Soyoon smiled at him. "As you can see, he's treating her as a girlfriend in the name only."

"He's too honourable." Yoon In Jae takes a seat beside Mun Soyoon. Lowering his brows, he asks here curiously, "Does he really like Chang Seol?"

"What do you think?" She rolls on her stomach and props her chin on her hand. "He went as far as pretending to be her husband. But forget it! He's too stubborn. He won't admit it even if the sky breaks down."

"Lord!" Yoon In Jae gasps. "I wish I had come here earlier. I missed so much."

"You certainly did." She yawns. "Get out. I need to sleep."

"Sleep tight."

Yoon In Jae steps out of her room, closing the door cautiously. He walks downstairs and pauses in front of Yeon-Sik's room. He hasn't expected to see that face here.

Yoon In Jae lets out a deep sigh.

"No wonder that she drinks every day."