After you die

The city is vast. She wants to fly.

Chang Seol knows it well that she can't do it. Even flying at night is risky. She and Kiluan might appear on some news channel under the headlines: rare sightings of giant birds.

"So complicated," She mutters under her breath. She doesn't want to see Mister.

"You are making it complicated." Geun walks toward her. She's sitting on the edge of the roof without any fear, and she ignores him when he takes a seat beside her. If he falls, he will die. If she falls, she will probably fly. "Who told you to fall for a colleague?"

"He wasn't my colleague before." Chang Seol doesn't want to see this man either. Mun Soyoon is also on the same list. She wonders if she should meet Yoon In-Jae. She grumbles, "Deceptive arseholes."

"Kids these days…" Geun shakes his head. "You can't ever speak this way in front of the public. Your career will plummet faster than the speed of light."