It won't be fun if I let go of you easily

The woman and the man, sitting opposite each other and laughing as if they have heard, ignore the stares of a certain man who is sitting on the diagonally opposite seat. 

"I feel like I will die from his deathly stare," No Shi Won says to Chang Seol with an 'affectionate' look in his eyes.

When he asked her out like that, she was taken aback. But she accepted it because Mister showed shock on his face. Though Mister didn't oppose it, even a kid could see that Mister hated the idea. 

Mister didn't talk to her at all. Not even this morning. Maybe he's mad at her. But shouldn't he say something? Did he become her boyfriend on a whim? He should say that he doesn't want her to go on a date with No Shi Won. Mister was more fierce in the past. 

Chang Seol returns No Shi Won's smile. To the outsiders, it seems like they are a loving pair. But only they know that they are doing this to teach a lesson to Mister. "I have never seen him acting like this."