Mister taps his foot impatiently. The ride is slowing down. It feels like forever. Did No Shi Won kiss Chang Seol? When he saw the picture that Mun Soyoon sent him earlier, he was enraged. He drove straight to the amusement park.But he has a lot of time before the ride comes to a stop. Now, now… it doesn't make sense. Mun Soyoon tricked him clearly. It's Chang Seol. She will never kiss another guy because she loves him.Will she?No Shi Won was engaged to her.To make it worse, No Shi Won is Ji Ye's cousin. "Why is this man's life so complicated?" He curses the original Sin Jeong Hyuk. "You should have just broken up with her. Why would you leave the city like that and get yourself killed?"Well, he became him because Sin Jeong Hyuk died like that. The ride finally comes to a stop. People start to get out. When the door of the next capsule is opened, something blurs by him. Sin Jeong-Hyuk blinks his eyes. Was that Kiluan? He is sure that he was something blue.