If you look hard enough, you will see the truth


Under the moonlight, she can't see much. That's a little strange because she is in her true form. 

Her feathers are ruffled. Pew Pew is slicking close to her neck, holding on to her with all his life. Arrja swears that the winds are turning fiercer and fiercer as she is getting closer to the peak. 

Is the worm worth it? They are in the middle of the way. She wonders how long it has been. The sky hasn't changed colour. So, it's still the night. It might have only been a minute.

The winds are pushing her back while she tries her best to pierce through it. The pressure in the air is shifting. Arrja opens her beaks and inhales sharply. The higher she flies, the more breathless she is. 

Where the heck this Pew Pew bought her? Arrja can't question the creature on her back. It's whimpering in the cold, still urging her to proceed in the cruel wind. 

The worm must be very delicious. That's all she can think of.