Dummy Chapter

They stare at each other. Ye Jing-e waits for her answer. He doesn't move from the spot. 

He gets it. She believed that he cheated on her for hundreds of years. A day or a minute will not be enough to undo that damage. A simple explanation is not enough either -- but he's hoping that she will listen to him. Once. At least once. Although he doesn't know either how to explain to her.

Oh Ji Ye is dead. They are in a different world. If Oh Ji Ye is reborn in this world, she won't remember her past life. There's no way to gather any evidence. Maybe he's asking too much.

"There is no doubt." Arrja replies, "So, there's no benefit of the doubt." 

"Did you see me with her?" Ye Jing-e asks. "Did she tell you something? Chicken, you have to tell me exactly what happened."