Fighting the Illusion Demon

Although he said that, César looked at Roy's eyes involuntarily.

Then he saw the pentagrams in Roy's eyes…

In his impression, he had never seen any demon bloodline with demon eyes like Roy's. For a moment, he had some doubts about Roy's background.

At this time, Roy said, "You know about the execution demon, so I'm not the first to chase you down, right?"

"Yes!" César replied proudly. "You aren't the first demon to come to execute me. Before you, Rogeros sent two execution demons. But unfortunately, they failed to kill me, and I devoured their souls instead!"

"You address him directly by name? You don't seem to have any fear of the demon lord?" Roy asked with interest.

"What does the demon lord count as?!" César raised his ax and roared, "If my plan succeeds, I will also become an existence like him! No! I could even be stronger than him!"