Frozen Ghost Ship

His subordinates had all jumped into the sea and fled. Although Captain Reid was cursing at them for not being loyal, he could not escape with them.

After being angered, Cassandra's full attention was on Reid.

Reid looked for an opportunity as he held the cross. Using it like a dagger, he stabbed it into Cassandra's bones. Unfortunately, it was useless! The cross in his hand only had the shape.

Many people simply did not understand that the reason why crosses could exorcise evil was not because of their appearance but because of the holy power contained in them! It was not like a cross made with just two pieces of wood could produce the power of holy light out of thin air. Only crosses blessed by holy power were effective.

On this point, the church had fooled many people. Although many people might not encounter evil things in their entire lives, once they encountered one, this knowledge would only harm them.