Tia Dalma

Although the uninhabited island that Roy chose was not large, there was a rather tall mountain on it. From the looks of it, this island was not a coral island born from the sea but formed by the drifting and shifting of tectonic plates.

When Roy saw this mountain, an idea struck him, and he used his magic power to freeze the entire mountain.

Then, at the foot of this mountain, he created a huge throne made of ice!

Sitting satisfied on the throne, Roy stabbed Frostmourne into the ground. From today onward, this place will be called the Frozen Throne! Hmm… The Black Frozen Throne!

This could be considered a bit of wicked fun. It was mainly because after Roy discovered that his demon blood could actually create a lich, he felt that he might really be able to find a world where Arthas existed one day… This Frozen Throne established in the Pirates of the Caribbean world could be considered as a preview in advance…