Illusions, All Illusions

There were about eighty pirates, and before long, they divided up the gold of misfortune among themselves.

The pirates returned to their ship happily. They were thinking in their hearts that after they returned, they would use this gold to buy a manor, returning home as rich landowners.

Tia Dalma came with the pirates, but instead of setting off with them, she left on a small boat alone.

Only Roy saw that Tia Dalma had taken out bones to do a divination before she left, and he did not know what result she got that prompted her to leave alone…

After everyone left, Roy looked at the quivering slave traders.

These slave traders were crying bitterly, looking like pitiful baby chicks, but Roy had long smelled the aroma of fallen souls in these slave traders.

If pirates could only be regarded as fierce and vicious, then these slave traders were truly heinous. Their souls had already said everything.