Fallen Angel

Roy looked around as he flew in the air. After a while, his eyes lit up, and he dived down.

Below him was a spacious street. Normally, it would be lively with people coming and going, but because of the sudden war, the street was already devastated. Human corpses were everywhere, some houses were burning, and the survivors were trembling as they hid in dark corners.

Bang! Roy broke the door of a store on the street and entered. He saw all kinds of books and magazines in a mess on the ground.

It was a bookstore. After Roy barged in, he immediately searched for what he wanted in these piles of books.

He found it, a world map—a world map of Earth.

However, Roy was disappointed when he opened the map and saw the design on it. This was because the land of this Earth was completely different from the one he had in his memory!