Perishing Together

Over the coming days, Roy kept collecting souls in the city.

In addition to him collecting them personally, Roy developed a batch of 'downlines'. They were all top-middle-rank demons forced to sign contracts after Roy ruthlessly beat them.

There were about seventy of these demons, and they could bring Roy at least a thousand souls every day. But as time passed, the name of Demon Osiris gradually spread. His appearance as a frost demon was very easy to identify, so many middle-rank demons avoided him after recognizing him and no longer gave him the chance to attack.

Helpless, Roy could only stop this enslavement method because he found that not only were middle-rank demons avoiding him, but even some high-rank demons in this city noticed him.

The high-rank demons certainly did not want more demons to compete with them for souls. But they noticed that Roy was about to promote, so they did not attack him and maintained a certain degree of restraint.