Fighting the Dominion Angel

Julia's injuries finally healed. In the battle between Samael and the Destroyer, a more powerful force had affected her. Now, after relying on time to expel this residual force from her body, she activated a dark ritual to repair her magic power and body.

After seeing that she had recovered, Roy should start moving. However, Julia had nowhere to go, so she planned to follow him.

Not to mention in the Abyss, even in this world, it was difficult for demons to trust each other. As a fallen angel, Julia was no different from other demons. Now that she had rarely encountered someone like Roy, whom she could trust and communicate with, she could only follow him temporarily. Otherwise, she did not know what she should do.

Roy did not decline. Julia still had combat strength, and fallen angels did not seem to crave souls like demons, so Roy just had her help collect souls.